Mould Design
High quality mold starts with an excellent quality design. In our design team, we have 16 mold design engineers with high professional education and skilled veteran. Equipped with the latest hardware and software UG, Pro-E. Also, we have the capabilities to ensure your great ideas are transformed into perfect products.
We adopt international standards such as DME, HASCO, Meusburger, RABOURDIN, DAIDO or customized standard, so the mold can work perfectly in the country or region as planned. After customer provides the drawings in DXF, DWG, PRT, SAT, IGES, STEP, X-T format, our elite designers can turn the product drawing into mold design and CNC machinning with professional CAD/CAM/CAE software to secure the most precise and efficient tooling.
Depends on part complication and customer requirement,SunUp provide moldflow service in different extent.

MoldFlow is take as vital progress to simulate the plastic injection molding process depends on part complication and customer requirement. The completed 3D flow simulation includes:
Fill time Injection pressure shrinkage & warpage analysis Temperature analysis Flow balancing Cooling time Gate and feed system design Optimizing part geometry Optimizing and refining wall thickness Fiber analysis Gas injection simulation By utilizing filling analysis the processing characteristics, mold can be optimized at the design stage. Improvements in part quality are achieved by:
Repositioning of weld lines Eliminating gas traps Reducing in balancing pressure Reducing stress levels Cooling analysis is conducted to find the optimum cooling channel and layout, range for the mould surface temperature, and to simulate hot runners and inserts.
Shrinkage and warpage analysis reduces the risk of assembly problems due to inaccurate molding. Warpage analysis is also very useful as an investigating tool for existing moulds, to find a practical solution to distortion problems.
MoldFlow helps mold designer know the injection process and what changes are needed before the mould is built.